
py4web comes with a Grid object providing grid and CRUD (create, update and delete) capabilities. This allows you to quickly and safely provide an interface to your data. Since it’s also highly customizable, it’s the corner stone of most py4web’s applications.

Key features

  • CRUD completa com Confirmação de exclusão

  • Clique cabeças de coluna para classificar - clique novamente para DESC

  • Controle de paginação

  • Construído em Search (pode usar search_queries OU search_form)

  • Botões de ação - com ou sem texto

  • Pré e Pós Ação (adicionar seus próprios botões para cada linha)

  • Datas de grid em formato local

  • Formatação padrão por tipo de utilizador mais substituições


There is an excellent grid tutorial made by Jim Steil on You’re strongly advised to check it for any doubt and for finding many precious examples, hints & tips.

Basic grid example

In this simple example we will make a grid over the superhero table.

Create a new minimal app called grid. Change it with the following content.

# in grid/
import os
from py4web import action, Field, DAL
from py4web.utils.grid import *
from py4web.utils.form import *
from yatl.helpers import A

# database definition
DB_FOLDER = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'databases')
if not os.path.isdir(DB_FOLDER):
db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite', folder=DB_FOLDER)

# add example entries in db
if not db(db.person).count():
   db.person.insert(superhero='Superman', name='Clark Kent', job='Journalist')
   db.person.insert(superhero='Spiderman', name='Peter Park', job='Photographer')
   db.person.insert(superhero='Batman', name='Bruce Wayne', job='CEO')

@action('index', method=['POST', 'GET'])
@action('index/<path:path>', method=['POST', 'GET'])
@action.uses('grid.html', db)
def index(path=None):
   grid = Grid(path,
            formstyle=FormStyleDefault, # FormStyleDefault or FormStyleBulma
            grid_class_style=GridClassStyle, # GridClassStyle or GridClassStyleBulma
            query=( > 0),
            search_queries=[['Search by Name', lambda val:]])

   return dict(grid=grid)

Add a new file templates/grid.html with this basic content:


Then restart py4web. If you browse to you’ll get this result:


Its layout is quite minimal, but it’s perfectly usable.

The main problem is that by default the no.css stylesheet is used, see here. But we’ve not loaded it! Change the file templates/grid.html with this content:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href=""  />

Then refresh the page.


This is better now, with proper icons for Details, Edit and Delete actions.

We can also think about using the bulma.css, see here. In this case you need to change the grid object on to:

formstyle=FormStyleBulma, # FormStyleDefault or FormStyleBulma
grid_class_style=GridClassStyleBulma, #GridClassStyle or GridClassStyleBulma

Notice that in this case you need to import the corresponding python modules in advance (we’ve already done it on line 4 and 5 above). Instead if you use the default no.css style you don’t need to manually import its style modules (and you even don’t need the formstyle and grid_class_style parameters).

You also have to change the file templates/grid.html with this content:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Then refresh the page.


This is much better, isn’t it?


These are just minimal examples for showing how grid works internally. Normally you should start from a copy of the standard _scaffold app, with all the Session and Authentication stuff already defined. Also, you should follow the standard rules for code, like placing the db definition inside and so on. Using standards will make your code simpler, safer and more maintainable.

Also, do not use grid objects directly on the root action of an app, because it does not add the “index” route. So, in this example if you browse to the main page is displayed fine but any contained action will lead to a non existent page.

In the Advanced topics and examples chapter you can find more examples, including a master/detail grid example written with htmx. And don’t forget Jim Steil’s detailed tutorial on

The Grid object

class Grid:
   def __init__(
      T=lambda text: text,
  • caminho: a rota do pedido

  • query: consulta pydal a ser processado

  • search_form: py4web FORM to be included as the search form. If search_form is passed in then the developer is responsible for applying the filter to the query passed in. This differs from search_queries

  • search_queries: list of query lists to use to build the search form. Ignored if search_form is used

  • columns: list of fields or columns to display on the list page, see the Custom columns paragraph later. If blank, the table will use all readable fields of the searched table

  • show_id: mostrar o campo ID de registo na página de lista - default = false

  • orderby: Campo orderby pydal ou lista de campos

  • esquerda: se juntando outras tabelas, especifique a expressão esquerda pydal aqui

  • títulos: lista de títulos a ser utilizado para página da lista - se não for fornecido o uso do rótulo do campo

  • criar: URL para redirecionar para a criação de registros - definido como verdadeiro para gerar automaticamente o URL - definido como falso para não exibir o botão

  • details: URL to redirect to for displaying records - set to True to automatically generate the URL - set to False to not display the button (*)

  • editable: URL to redirect to for editing records - set to True to automatically generate the URL - set to False to not display the button (*)

  • deletable: URL to redirect to for deleting records - set to True to automatically generate the URL - set to False to not display the button (*)

  • validation: optional validation function to pass to create and edit forms

  • pre_action_buttons: lista de instâncias action_button para incluir antes de os botões de ação padrão

  • post_action_buttons: lista de instâncias action_button para incluir após os botões de ação padrão

  • auto_process: Boolean - se ou não a grid deve ser processado imediatamente. Se False, desenvolvedor deve chamar grid.process () uma vez todos os parâmetros são configurados

  • rows_per_page: número de linhas a serem exibidos por página. padrão 15

  • include_action_button_text: boolean dizendo a grid se deseja ou não de texto em botões de ação dentro de sua grid

  • search_button_text: texto a ser exibido no botão enviar em seu formulário de pesquisa

  • formstyle: py4web Form formstyle usado para estilo seu formulário ao construir automaticamente formulários CRUD

  • grid_class_style: GridClassStyle object used to override defaults for styling your rendered grid. Allows you to specify classes or styles to apply at certain points in the grid

  • T: optional pluralize object

(*) The parameters details, editable and deletable can also take a callable that will be passed the current row of the grid. This is useful because you can then turn a button on or off depending on the values in the row. In other words, instead of providing a simple Boolean value you can use an expression like:

deletable=lambda row: False if row.job=="CEO" else True,

See also Using callable parameters later on.

Searching and filtering

There are two ways to build a search form:

  • Fornecer uma lista search_queries

  • Construa a sua própria forma de pesquisa personalizada

Se você fornecer uma lista search_queries à grid, ele irá:

  • build a search form. If more than one search query in the list, it will also generate a dropdown to select which search field to search against

  • recolher valores de filtro e filtrar a grid

No entanto, se isso não lhe dá flexibilidade suficiente, você pode fornecer o seu próprio formulário de busca e lidar com toda a filtragem (construção das consultas) por si mesmo.

CRUD settings

The grid provides CRUD (create, read, update and delete) capabilities utilizing py4web Form. You can turn off CRUD features by setting create/details/editable/deletable during grid instantiation.

Além disso, você pode fornecer uma URL separada para a criação / detalhes / editáveis ​​/ parâmetros elimináveis ​​para ignorar as páginas CRUD gerados automaticamente e lidar com as páginas de detalhes do mesmo.

Custom columns

If the grid does not involve a join but displays results from a single table you can specify a list of columns. Columns are highly customizable.

from py4web.utils.grid import Column
from yatl.helpers import A

columns = [,
   Column("Web Site", lambda row: f"https://{row.superhero}.com"),
   Column("Go To", lambda row: A("link", _href=f"https://{row.superhero}.com"))

grid = Grid(... columns=columns ...)

Notice in this example the first columns are regular fields, The fifth column has a header «Web Site» and consists of URL strings generated from the rows. The last column has a header «Go To» and generates actual clickable links using the A helper. This is the result:


Notice that we’ve also used the deletable parameter in order to disable and hide it for Batman only, as explained before.


Do not define columns outside of the controller methods that use them, otherwise the structure of the table will change every time the user press the refresh button of the browser!

The reason is that each time the grid displays, it modifies the “columns” variable (in the grid) by adding the action buttons to it. So, if columns are defined outside of the controller method, it just keeps adding the actions column.

Usando templates

Use o seguinte para tornar a sua grid ou formas CRUD em seus templates.

Mostrar a grid ou um formulário CRUD


You can customize the CRUD form layout like a normal form (see Custom forms). So you can use the following structure:

[[form = grid.render() ]]
[[form.custom["begin"] ]]

But notice that when handling custom form layouts you need to know if you are displaying the grid or a form. Use the following to decide:

[[if request.query.get('action') in ('details', 'edit'):]]
    #  Display the custom form
    [[form = grid.render() ]]
    [[form.custom["begin"] ]]
    [[grid.render() ]]

Customizing style

Você pode fornecer suas próprias formstyle ou grid classes e estilo ao grid.

  • formstyle é o mesmo que um formstyle Forma, usadas para as formas estilo CRUD.

  • grid_class_style é uma classe que fornece as classes e / ou estilos utilizados para certas porções da grelha.

The default GridClassStyle - based on no.css, primarily uses styles to modify the layout of the grid. We’ve already seen that it’s possible to use other class_style, in particular GridClassStyleBulma.

You can even build your own class_style to be used with the css framework of your choice. Unfortunately, one based on bootstrap is still missing.

Ação personalizada Botões

As with web2py, you can add additional buttons to each row in your grid. You do this by providing pre_action_buttons or post_action_buttons to the Grid init method.

  • pre_action_buttons - list of action_button instances to include before the standard action buttons

  • post_action_buttons - list of action_button instances to include after the standard action buttons

You can build your own Action Button class to pass to pre/post action buttons based on the template below (this is not provided with py4web).

Botão Classe Ação Amostra

class GridActionButton:
 def __init__(
     self.url = url
     self.text = text
     self.icon = icon
     self.additional_classes = additional_classes
     self.additional_styles = additional_styles
     self.override_classes = override_classes
     self.override_styles = override_styles
     self.message = message
     self.append_id = append_id = name
     self.ignore_attribute_plugin = ignore_attribute_plugin
     self.attrs = attrs
  • url: a página para navegar até quando o botão é clicado

  • texto: texto para exibição no botão

  • icon: the font-awesome icon to display before the text, for example «fa-calendar»

  • additional_classes: uma lista separada por espaços de aulas para incluir no elemento botão

  • additional_styles: a string containing additional styles to add to the button

  • override_classes: a space-separated list of classes to place on the control that will replace the default classes

  • override_styles: a string containing the styles to be applied to the control

  • mensagem: mensagem de confirmação para exibição se a classe ‘confirmação’ é adicionado a classes adicionais

  • append_id: Se for verdade, adicionar id_field_name = id_value à querystring url para o botão

  • name: the name to apply to the control

  • ignore_attribute_plugin: boolean - respect the attribute plugin specified on the grid or ignore it

  • attrs: additional attributes to apply to the control

After defining the custom GridActionButton class, you need to define your Action buttons:

pre_action_buttons = [
    lambda row: GridActionButton(
        lambda row: f"{row.superhero}",
        text= f"Google for {row.superhero}",

Finally, you need to reference them in the Grid definition:

grid = Grid(... pre_action_buttons = pre_action_buttons  ...)

Using callable parameters

A recent improvement to py4web allows you to pass a callable instead of a GridActionButton. This allow you to more easily change the behaviour of standard and custom Actions.

Callable can be used with:

  • details

  • editable

  • deletable

  • additional_classes

  • additional_styles

  • override_classes

  • override_styles

Example usage:

def example(path=None):

    pre_action_buttons = [
        lambda row: GridActionButton(
            text="Click me",
            additional_styles=["height: 10px" if else None],

    post_action_buttons = [
        lambda row: GridActionButton(
            text="Click me!!!",
            additional_styles=["height: 10px" if else None],

    grid = Grid(

    return dict(grid=grid.render())

Os campos de referência

Ao exibir campos em uma tabela PyDAL, às vezes você deseja exibir um campo mais descritivo do que um valor de chave estrangeira. Há um par de maneiras de lidar com isso com a grid py4web.

filter_out on PyDAL field definition - here is an example of a foreign key field

Field('company', 'reference company',
      requires=IS_NULL_OR(IS_IN_DB(db, '',
      filter_out=lambda x: if x else ''),

Isto irá exibir o nome da empresa na grid em vez do ID empresa

A queda de usar este método é que classificação e filtragem são baseados no campo da empresa na tabela de empregado e não o nome da empresa

left join and specify fields from joined table - specified on the left parameter of Grid instantiation ==

You can specify a standard PyDAL left join, including a list of joins to consider. Now the company name field can be included in your fields list can be clicked on and sorted.

Also you can specify a query such as:

queries.append((db.employee.last_name.contains(search_text)) | (db.employee.first_name.contains(search_text)) |

Este método permite classificar e filtrar, mas não permite que você para combinar campos a serem exibidos em conjunto, como o método filter_out faria

Você precisa determinar qual método é melhor para o seu caso de uso compreender as grids diferentes no mesmo aplicativo pode precisar de se comportar de forma diferente.

Grids with checkboxes

While the grid, per se, does not support checkboxes, you can use custom columns to add one or more columns of checkboxes. You can also add the helpers logic (the grid uses helpers to generate HTML) to wrap it in a <form> and add one or more submit buttons. You can then add logic to process the selected rows when the button is selected. For example:

column = Column("select", lambda row: INPUT(_type="checkbox",_name="selected_id",

@action.uses("manage.html", db)
def manage(path=None):

   grid = Grid(path, db.thing, columns=[column,])

   # if we are displaying a "select" grid page (not a form)
   if not grid.form:
      grid = grid.render()
      # if checkboxes selection was submitted
      if request.method == "POST":
         # do something with the selected ids
         print("you selected", request.POST.get("selected_id"))
      # inject a ``<form>`` and a ``submit`` button
      grid.children[1:] = [FORM(
            DIV(INPUT(_type="submit",_value="do it!")),
   return locals()

Notice in the above example request.POST.get("selected_id") can be a single ID (if one selected) or a list of IDs (if more than one is selected).